Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week of 9/21

This week I learned a lot about how we see.  The first thing we did was find out how we see a marker.  We eliminated the hypothesis that suggested that our eyes just send out signals and that is how we see because we now know that we need light to see. We also eliminated the hypothesis that suggested the light bounces off of the marker and into someone's eyes.  We eliminated this because it bounces everywhere, not just in one person's eyes. The hypothesis that was correct was the one that said light bounces off of an object (in this case it is a marker) and goes everywhere, not just in one person's eyes. That is why everyone can see the marker and not just one person. 
We also did an experiment on a candle and a piece of cardboard with a hole in it.  We held a candle and had light shining on it and then the light rays went through a small hole in the piece of cardboard.  The reflection was upside down.  We came up with a prediction of why the reflection was upside down. It was because the rays crossed over each other and they were upside down. 
We also saw that when the laser was reflecting off of the mirror it was a lot smaller than when it reflected onto the wall. When it was on the wall it was very big and clear, but when it was shining on the mirror it was small and dull.
It is important to know how we see because it is something that we do all the time.  If we didn't know that we need light, and object, and our eyes to see than we would be no where in technology.  We also need to know about the candle because it shows that not all objects reflect light off the same. The laser experiment shows that when light reflects off of a mirror it gets more light and is more clear to see.

well that is all for this week,     (: 


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